Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bush Criticizes Anti-immigrant Movement

Displaying more cracks in the conservative armor, Bush called out those on the right who have been calling for stricter border patrol and the passage of anti-immigrant bill HR 4437 as promoting a "sure path to stagnation and decline." While the debate over immigration reform carries on, border patrols arrests are on the rise. Some attribute it to increased patrolling, a possibility more likely after hearing Bush's above remarks. Others argue talk of the signing of a guest worker program and a possible amnesty campaign has led to the increase. It could also be the braggadocio beaming from the Whitehouse about how great the economy is doing. It also seems as if the more moderate wing on the right of the debate (which, strangely, Bush is clearly on) has created an organization to try and galvanize conservative Latinos around this idea that "immigration reform should not be a choice between two evils - giving up border security or giving up economic security."


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