Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Iraq: Permanent US Colony By Dahr Jamail

Iraq: Permanent US Colony
By Dahr Jamail
Tuesday 14 March 2006

Full article: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/031306A.shtml

"US policymakers have replaced the Cold War with the Long War for Global Empire and Unchallenged Military Hegemony. This is the lens through which we must view Iraq to better understand why there are permanent US bases there."

Dahr Jamail tears apart U.S. plans to essentially build permanent bases in Iraq as part of a logner term strategy to further U.S. influence in the world. The quotes from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace are very telling of the extent to which the Bush administration is taking a significantly different course in U.S. foreign policy than previous attempts at increasing the U.S. "sphere of influence."


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